Call Now01-5903774 ,5903645, 5371265

Our LocationTahachal Marg, Tahachal, Kathmandu-13

About Us

HOLY VISION SECONDARY SCHOOL (HVSS) was founded in 2049 B.S. as a Primary School by the approval of the District Education Office, Kathmandu. After two years in function, the Higher Secondary Education Board granted affiliation to run + 2 wing in 2051 B.S. in Science, Management and Humanities streams. Since then it has emerged as a brand for quality education under the name of HOLY VISION SECONDARY SCHOOL (HVSS). When all the private schools were offered the choice to opt either for profit driven company or not-for-profit trust, Holy Vision Secondary School opted to function as a private trust.
This is one of the leading English Medium Secondary Schools in Kathmandu. The school offers comprehensive and quality education from pre-school to higher secondary, +2 level which is affordable for maximum parents. It incorporates a unique educational program in which physical and moral development activities go hand in hand with excellent academic studies. With the problem of right education becoming an increasing concern for parents, our new moral education curriculum will provide children with a moral framework to grow as ideal & responsible citizens of the country.
The school has always demonstrated excellent academic performance and obtained impressive results in the examinations from the beginning. In all S.E.E examinations the school has been obtaining outstanding results right from the first SLC batch in 2058 and the results of HSEB examinations have also been very impressive all throughout.
HOLY VISION SECONDARY SCHOOL (HVHSS) has emerged as a brand in itself as far as quality education is concerned. Located in a serene green environment, at Tahachal in Kathmandu Metropolitan city ward no. 13, the school caters to impart quality education to around 1000 students from Play Group (PG) to class XII.  One of its mottos has been providing 'Education for leadership in the 21st century'. Its teaching- learning atmosphere is permeated with a sense of discipline and moral values that help to meet the challenges of the present day competitive world.
The ultimate goal of Holy Vision is to help every student to become perfect individuals- emotionally, intellectually and physically. Our pedagogy is learner centered where each student gets individual care that encourages one to become hopeful, creative, curious, diligent, respectful, cooperative, responsible, confident and competitive. The school aims to discover the strength of the students that they are perfect individuals.
The school's other motto, as set by its Founder Principal, has always been "Not to compromise anything at the cost of the interest of the students", i.e. to keep the interest of the students at the highest level.

To serve the society better by being a major contributor in the field of education.

To make HOLY VISION SECONDARY SCHOOL (HVSS) as one of the best learning centers of the country within five years time i.e. by 2020 A.D. with a sprawling compound and adequate physical infrastructural structures of its own, equipped with technology and world class teaching materials and classrooms and sound residential facility for students and teachers, who would be able to contribute to the cause of education up to their best capability with a complete sense of job security and stability. The school targets to materialize its vision with the following aims and objectives:

The aim of the school is to offer the highest possible standard of education to enable each child to reach beyond their academic, social and physical potential, and to develop aesthetic and cultural awareness – both as an individual and as a member of society and to emerge as a worthy citizen with an all round development.
For achieving this, importance is given to providing the children with a secure, friendly, and curiosity filled learning atmosphere in which they can benefit from high performance standards, efficient teaching members and a broad-based curriculum that caters national requirements and addresses international needs in an era of globalization and borderless world of technology.


  1. To provide, within an attractive and welcoming environment, a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, which seeks to aid each child to reach their full potential and to recognize their individuality.
  2. To enhance children’s quality of learning through the effective and efficient delivery of the national curriculum.
  3. To encourage children to develop a sense of mutual respect and responsibility for others and the environment.
  4. To develop tolerance and respect for all faiths and nationalities.
  5. To have high expectations and match these with high quality resources and learning strategies.
  6. To give a high priority to developing and maintaining strong links between the school and home.
  7. To educate children intellectually, socially, morally, aesthetically and physically.
  8. To adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement in every aspect of school, work and life so that students' welfare is kept at the highest level.
  9. To manage available resources in such a way that maximum educational benefit is ensured.
  10. To cultivate a culture that the teachers become friends, philosophers and guides to the students.
  11. To show children, through a variety of teaching styles, that the curriculum is not a series of watertight compartments, but a rich tapestry of varied, inter-related experiences.
  12. To help children acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment in a fast changing world.
  13. To help students develop lively, inquiring minds, the ability to question, argue rationally and apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.
  14. To instill self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.
  15. To help students understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
  16. To give children the chance to use their initiative, take responsibility, and provide leadership in a variety of situations.
  17. To provide children with knowledge of human achievements and aspirations so that they can set their own spiritual and moral goals in life.
  18. To give children practical experience of their own environment and heritage to develop a growing appreciation, which will continue in adult life.
  19. To have teaching and non-teaching staff who can assist the children morally, socially and intellectually.
  20. To make use of student centered pedagogy that helps each child bring out his/her full potential.
  21. To help students to generate positive energy in themselves and to spread such energy to the surrounding.